

Recently our office has been taken over by stars! Started out innocently enough office mate was having a bottle of Vitamilk for breakfast. This is a brand of soya milk available in the Philippine market now. This immediately caught my eye as the bottle was really cute and it was not common for me to see soya milk in glass bottles. Another plus was that the printed label came out easily and without leaving a mark. I asked my officemate if I could keep the bottle for future art projects and she just shrugged and wondered what I'd do with the bottle.

And so was the humble beginnings of our office art project. I am a collector of sorts.. a trash collector that is. I'd keep odds and ends and just store them in my cabinet for future use. And it just so happens that I had a paper bag filled with strips of cut paper ends from the remains of past brochures and cards. Yes, I have a paper bag filled with thin strips of paper just lying around. And I thought to myself why not fill this with stars! And I then proceded to make origami paper stars. This was something I am used to doing when I was stressed out at work and now it has become a habit of mine to just fold away star after star when left with nothing to do. Little did I know my officemates in my department were also interested in folding stars and were able with their hands too. And they just started to make the stars. And so a manufacturing group of 5 people was formed in our department, busy in their quest to fill up a bottle with stars. Eeeee! I was so happy :)

Tadah! Here is one of our finished products. I'm still figuring out what to design the outside with. But as it is, it looks great already.

Not only that but shortly after this was made, we had someone commission work for us. Haha, could this be our calling? :p Well actually it was just one person, we have been asked by our finance head to make a bottle for her daughter. Just another day at our funloving city office ;)

These stars are easy to make. So next time you're stressed out in the office, why not try some star therapy and fill a bottle of your own.

Just see the video below or click to see another tutorial here.

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