
Who is the God you worship?














I read Acts 17:22-31 and Paul makes it clear that religion will not save but that we need to repent and believe in the one who saves.


Sister's Sweetness: Homemade Cakes & Pastries

Looking for a sweet treat to give or a scrumptious dessert to gift? Why don't you try out Sister's Sweetness goodies and sweet delights!

Let me introduce to you an office favorite, Sister's Sweetness ~ Home Made Cakes & Pastries. Sisters's Sweetness is a home based cake and pastry shop. Using only the finest ingredients to make sure that their clients get goodness out of every bite. Mrs. Crispina Chang, is the head chef behind these scrumptious tasty desserts. Much love is poured into each batch as she personalizes each treat to fit the occasion.