
bearly awake..

well.. haloo havn't been able to post for the longest time.. i've changed my blog to.. bearly awake.. it's spelled that way cuz someone already has the 'barelyawake' one and now that i think of it 'bear'ly suits me just fine.. just in time for my hibernation period of sleeping and eating!!
haha.. since it's the start of my vacation.. i have decided to not sleep again.. the sun's up!.. and no i wont start singing the nescafe song.. though i'm tempted to.. ;p.. i rearranged the furniture in my room early this morning.. my anti-stress routine.. am glad that there's n work tom!! yippee i can enjoy myself cleaning my room.. ?.. well ok that doesn't seem to be a very exciting to do.. but at least that'll be one thing done that'll be off my mind for the next week or so.. oh well.. too busy.. too tired.. too much too do.. procrastinating and wasting my time.. hehe.. same ol same ol.. there's been talk about a reunion.. burgoo.. rockwell.. hmm.. hope i can go.. though things don't seem to lok promising as there still has to be a lot done.. i think i need a duplicating ray for myself.. like in multiplicity.. i need to be in 6 different places all at once.. wahhh.. un n un.. cge.. it's time for bed now.. so that i'll be awake hopefully before they clear the table at lunch.. need to fatten up this summer!!! hehe kk nyte nyte.. or should i say gud am to all of you!