
Heat Stroke Cause, Symptoms, & Prevention

Heat Stroke Cause, Symptoms, & Prevention

Just the other day a co-worker of mine suffered a case of heat stroke and sad to say, he did not survive :(  We were shocked to hear that even a healthy strong man such as him would be gone only after suffering a bad headache. So our office has just started a heat stroke awareness campaign and found information from a government labor site, it's in Filipino.

1Causes of Heat Stroke:
1. High Temperature
2. High Humidity
3. Lack of Proper Ventilation
4. Too Much Sun Exposure
5. Heavy Manual Labor
6. Wearing of Clothing that Prevents Sweating

1. Thirst, stress, and fatigue
2. Vomiting and headache
3. Dizzyness and fainting
4. Chills and pallidity (turning pale)
5. Weakness, fast heartbeat, and cramps

1. Keep yourself in a cool well ventilated area.
2. Do not do strenuous work during days of high temperature or give time for rest in between.
3. Keep yourself well hydrated.
4. Wear loose cool natural fabrics and keep your face, head, and neck covered from direct sunlight.
5. Make to keep yourself in top physical condition.

2Ways to cool a person down:
1. Try to get the person to drink water if the person is conscious.
2. Soak the person's entire body in cool water.
3. Sponge cool water onto the person's body.
4. Apply ice packs to the head, neck, armpits and groin.

Stay hydrated and cool this hot summer season.

Once symptoms persist it is best to see a doctor immediately. If not treated heat stroke can be fatal in as quick as an hours time.

I hope this would be of help to you.


1 http://www.labour.gov.hk/eng/public/oh/HeatStroke_Philip.pdf
2 health.howstuffworks.com/wellness/diet-fitness/information/question699.htm

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