
Things To Do In A Dog Run


I recently joined my first Pet Express Doggie Run 2013 held in MOA and had a blast there with my sister and two doggies. You can read about it here.

I came up with a list of things interesting things you can do while you are there.


#1) Take lots of pictures of dogs to add to your collection.


Of course the most adorable one is the one in the middle! That's my Mici!


#2) Check out the competition or in this case the non competitors. :p


Dog's have the life, they even have carriers and bag carriers of the carriers.


#3) Keep your pooch well hydrated, cool, and comfy!


Bottoms up!~


#4) Keep your eyes peeled for poopies! 


You don't want to step on these doo doos, so clean up after your dog!


#5) After a long hard run, your dogs can relax and cool down in the outdoor pool area.


Splish, splash!


#6) Support your local animal rights group!


Free Mali!


#6) Try your handling skills with a flyball obstacle course.


Looks easy enough...


#7) Go and look around the various sponsors booths.


Thank you for the freebies!


 #8) Grab and enjoy the freebies and giveaways.


All these treats for freeeeeee!


#9) Join the raffle and wait for your name to be called!


Raffle prizes await!


#10 Bring home your year's supply of dog food!!!





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