
Our First Doggie Run *Loot Bag Update*

Pet Express Doggie Run

Last Saturday, March 23, 2013, my sister and I joined the Pet Express Doggie Run 2013 event via invitation of the Nuffnang Team. It was the first time for us to join such an event and I was so excited that even the 4 am wake up call did not deter me from going!

The  Pet Express Doggie Run has been a yearly event now for 3 years already. Already at it's third year, the number of participants has grown from just 500 participants to well over 1000 participants this year.

We got to MOA just in the nick of time for the 5:30am start. Our two dogs Mici - the Lhasa Apso, and Mini - the Mini Pincher, were already hyped and ready to run by the time we got there.  As it was our first time to join, we decided to run the 1.5k. As we got to the starting line, I couldn't help but be amazed at the sheer number of the crowd and the different pooches that were there.

All the while,  I had to stop myself from screaming "Their so fluffy, I think I'm gonna die!!!" 


Ready, set, go! We were off. The 1.5k crowd were mostly for the young, old, and small dogs, I was happy to be there as I wanted to take pictures. There were all sorts of dogs running. There were big, small, spotted, furry, black, white, brown, and all the different breeds and pedigrees you can think of. Most had on the bib that came with the racing kit, but there were some fashionistas who had on shoes, and jackets, and even carried bags! 

Some ran, others jogged, many walked but what was most amusing to see were the dogs who couldn't run anymore. Like this pair i saw on the left. The owner suddenly stopped in front of me, curious at what he was doing I sneaked a peek to my side. And I was surprised to see that he suddenly picked up his doggie up and simply placed him inside his backpack! :))  

Running early that Saturday morning really refreshed us and as we reached the finish line, the rush of finishing the race along with our pets was an awesome experience for us. 

I surely would love to join this event again!

The Awarding Ceremonies
  The Finishers! : 3 

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