
Stuff : The Materials Economy

Will more things make you happier?

We want a lot of things and we have a lot of things. I even found out sometimes it is even encouraged by the  government that we should want to buy a lot of things. However at the rate we are consuming and without the proper programs for recycling I learned that we will end up drowning in all our stuff.

I saw a video about this from "The Story of Stuff Project" This is a 20-minute animation of the consumerist society, narrated by Anne Leonard, and she really makes sense. It seems that she has done her research and has practical info to share. Link here.

This video talks about the Materials Economy.

The Materials Economy


This is s a system in crisis.


Because it is a linear system on a finite planet.

What can we do?
  • Save forests
  • Clean Production
  • Conscious Consuming
  • Labor rights
  • Fair trade
  • Blocking of landslides & incinerators
"Things will really get moving when you see the connections.. see the big picture. When people get united we can reclaim & transform this linear system into something new. A system that doesn't waste resources or people."

Let us start to make the changes needed, old school ways of thinking should be let go and helpful new ways of doing things should be started.

Keep yourself informed

I think that stuff should be kept "just" stuff. It should not rule over neither should it take over our lives, and it definitely shouldn't be harming the way we live our lives as well.

Let's be good stewards of what God has entrusted us. Let's practice conscious consuming and exercise good judgement in the areas we are given authority over.

Let us enjoy more His creation than trying to look to stuff and more stuff in order to make us happy, because in the end, having more stuff will just make you even more miserable than when you started.

Especially if all that stuff, is killing you and everyone else around you with all its toxicity and the bad effects of it. Just remembered Ondoy & Habagat, with people chest deep in floating trash. :(

What about you? What do you think about where we are headed as a consumerist society? What steps should we take in order to make a much needed changes in order to be more responsible consumers?

Please feel free to comment below:

You might also be interested in other videos by "The Story of Stuff Project" by "Free Range Studios" Their videos are very relevant to our time now.

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