
Papa is here.

God is Hidden Where You Live and Work   

God is with you wherever you are. Faith is the ability to see God in your everyday life. It is easy to believe that God is in the church service, but it is much more difficult to believe He is with us at home or in our community or on the job. Amazing as it may seem, God has chosen to hide Himself and quietly watch over us.
Imagine a five-year-old boy playing with little cars in his yard, making engine noises as he races down the roads he has made in the dirt, His enjoyment is spoiled by his inability to move a large rock out of the middle of his toy car racetrack. Totally unnoticed, his father has quietly walked up behind him and is watching silently. At the point of exasperation, the little boy mutters to himself, "If only Papa was here. He could move this rock."

Papa is here. And He can move the rock you are unable to budge. He waits quietly, reminding us, "You do not have because you do not ask." Like that little boy, if we would simply turn around and see Papa standing there, everything would change! The circumstance would still be the same, but our attitude, our sense of hope and our confidence would be dramatically altered.

Pause for just a moment right now. Look around you. Do you recognize that God is mightily present with you? Thank Him for being with you right now. Talk with Him about that heavy thing you are dealing with. That thing that is too heavy for you to move or deal with.

The same is true at home, at school, at the office, or the hospital. Faith is the victory. Faith brings God into view-- the God who is with you where you live and work.

Excerpted from the book

"God, where you live and work"
by Robert Claro

available at
CSM Publishing Inc.

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